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frame space中文是什么意思

用"frame space"造句"frame space"怎么读"frame space" in a sentence


  • 构架间距
  • 肋骨间距肋距
  • 肋距


  • It also leaves more open frame space for storage or jetters
  • Sle . return - all - frames space data and information transfer systems - space link extension - return - all - frames service
  • Super - schedule construction out frame space realizes safe quick with drawing in comprehensive mining working face
  • We use the leap , linear and exponential methods to reduce the minimum contention window ( ) and the distributed inter frame space ( difs ) , so
    提高优先级的方法采用减小dcf中的和difs ,分别采用阶跃的、线性的和指数的不同方法实现。
  • To minimize the amount of stack frame space required for a method , the same words of the stack frame may be used for different local variables at different points in the bytecode , as long as the active ranges for the variables don t overlap
  • Through using different ips ( inter - frame space ) to distinguish different information , the new mac uses rts / cts to transmit frames with different priorities , so the real - time information can get a smaller delay . simulation validates the proposed approach . wireless and wire network are combined into a total network , which is the trend of industrial network
    ( 4 )工业控制网络在造纸工业中的应用研究在研究3种典型工业控制网络的基础上,文章接着分析造纸工业中的信息网络,提出以profibus为现场级控制网络,交换式网络为工厂级网络的造纸厂信息系统。
用"frame space"造句  


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